Frequently Asked Questions
The Laws of Physics we have today were created by scientists by observing the natural world. By designing careful, controlled experiments and running them over and over again, they began to see patterns emerge, from which they created rules to try to explain their observations. A good scientific law or theory can be used to predict and explain a wide variety of phenomena. Robust scientific theories usually last for decades, until challenged by data from new experiments. For example, the Newtonian world view survived for decades before Einstein came up with his Theory of Relativity, a theory that has now been surpassed by quantum theory.
It is important to know that science is not static. Like everything else, it keeps progressing, changing and evolving. As time passes, scientists begin to discover new things in their experiments, anomalies that don’t quite fit the prevailing scientific model of the time. Eventually there are too many things that the theory cannot explain, and the Laws of Physics need to be expanded upon or replaced with new ones. This process is fraught with much debate, resistance, ridicule and controversy (because human egos, careers and funding are on the line), but eventually the new paradigm is accepted and the world moves on. The new laws often encompass the old laws and their predictions, but from a new angle, so the Laws of Physics aren't discarded completely, they simply evolve over time.
There are two laws of thermodynamics which these devices may appear to threaten, but in practice do not:
The First Law of Thermodynamics:
This law states that energy can never be created or destroyed, only converted from one form to another (e.g. heat into physical movement). These devices appear to produce energy from nowhere, which presents a challenge to the First Law, however in the case of zero-point energy (quantum fluctuations), the energy source is sub-atomic, and thus invisible to the human eye. By drawing energy from the quantum field, one might expect a decrease in thermal energy surrounding the device, which is indeed what some devices present as they run cold, and in some cases frost up.
The Second Law of Thermodynamics:
This law states that the total amount of entropy (disorder) in a system must always increase. This essentially means that within a closed system, the amount of total heat can only increase. These devices appear to challenge this principle because they often run cold, cohering chaotic quantum fluctuations into usable electrical energy. However consider that when working with quantum particles in the real world (not a thought experiment) it is simply not possible to define a true "closed system", because quantum particles are smaller than any molecular / atomic barrier. This means we are able to take energy from outside the apparent borders of the system / device and cohere it through the device, enabling the Second Law to be upheld.
Just because a thermodynamic process is unlikely to happen naturally in everyday conditions, does not mean such a desired process cannot be engineered. A good example is carbon capture which takes an extremely entropic substance (carbon dioxide gas) and locks it up in solid or liquid form.
Inventors have created a wide variety of devices that appear to manifest anomalous energy from different sources. Some examples are:
- Harnessing thermal energy (heat) and converting it into electricity.
- Tuning into high frequency cosmic EM radiation, or gravity waves.
- Diverting the collapse of magnetic fields in ways that create a net positive output.
- Cohering the quantum fluctuations of zero-point energy.
- Manipulating the energetic configuration of certain atoms into new orbital states.
All microscopic particles have a natural vibration to them. These include electrons, atoms, molecules and even small biological creatures like micro-algae and bacteria. If you were to look at these entities under a microscope, you would see them vibrating randomly left and right, up and down - all over. These random fluctuations are a measure of the thermal energy in a system, also known as heat. The hotter the system, the faster and bigger the vibrations are.
Physicists use the unit of Kelvin to measure temperature. Degrees Celsius and/or Fahrenheit can be converted to degrees Kelvin. The lowest temperature that can exist is 0 degrees Kelvin, which is equal to -273.15°C. Physicists would expect that at 0 Kelvin, there would be no vibration of particles because there is no heat at all - no thermal energy.
However, energy is still present at 0 Kelvin which causes particles to vibrate, and this is called zero-point energy. The energy is thought to be caused by fluctuations at a quantum level of space time itself. So-called "empty" space is theorised to contain a quantum foam of basic particles (think electrons and positrons) that pop in and out of existence extremely quickly. Basic particles seem to appear from other dimensions and then disappear quickly.
Physicists have tried to measure the potential energy density of empty space (otherwise known as "the vacuum") and have established different answers. One estimate is that there is enough energy contained in one normal measuring cup to boil all of the world's oceans. This is significant. There are many theories regarding how zero-point energy devices are able to extract this short-lived chaotic energy, but the trend seems to be that they operate in an environment that is 1) non-linear, 2) far from equilibrium, and 3) has an energy flux / flow going through it.
Institutional inertia: The development of a new energy source that is decentralised and low cost will lead to significant change in how the world works. While no individual would stand in the way of the development of such a technology, institutions such as the scientific establishment tend to have a certain inertia to them that prevents rapid change, and instead maintains and reinforces things as they are. In light of any new discovery, subject matter experts might be called upon for comment, and having no knowledge of the new discoveries may dismiss it by default. Without approval by the establishment, it is difficult for new ideas to gain traction, funding and attention.
Patent office: Any inventor who has spent a large sum of money on creating their invention will naturally want to patent their device in order to enjoy a steady stream of patent-related royalties in future. However, in the US there exists a law called the Invention Secrecy Act of 1951, which maintains a list of technologies that could have military utility. If an inventor tries to patent a new energy device, often the device has a secrecy order or gag order placed on it, which prohibits the inventor from patenting the device, continuing to develop it, monetize it, and/or even discuss it with anybody. Another challenge at the patent office is patent examiners who reject patents on this kind of device because they "simply could not exist" according to the prevailing scientific laws of the time.
Business skills: Brilliant scientific minds are not necessarily great at starting businesses. Most people do not have the skills to take a concept from initial inspiration, through hard work and perspiration into an operational company, capable of selling products to the public. These devices may well exist somewhere, but until they are mass produced and available for sale to the general public, they essentially remain secret.
Greed: Once an inventor realises that he/she has developed a world-changing technology, they may look for commercial partners who will pay in excess of $100 million for their discovery. There are no examples of this route working out for the inventor, yet several examples of inventors who have died with their secrets intact because they could not agree on commercial terms.
Below are some examples of organisations that have been able to produce significant power output from non-conventional means:
- Brilliant Power's SunCell - a grid scale power generator that uses plasma to coax hydrogen to a lower energy state that then releases light and heat.
- Clean Power - a smaller scale technology that uses hydrogen diffusion through metallic films to generate heat. Currently at 100MW output.
- Brillouin Energy - working on low energy nuclear reactors that are completely pollution free. Current lab results show COP > 2.5.
Since many inventors have stumbled across this new form of anomalous energy, and their work has largely been in isolation, a variety of different names have been used to describe it. Hopefully as more researchers get involved, standard terminology can be adopted. For now, these are the various terms that have been used:
- Hidden energy
- New energy
- Zero-point energy, or ZPE
- Energy from the vacuum
- Radiant energy
- Cold electricity
- Breakthrough power
- Free energy
- Overunity machine
These devices vary widely in their configuration, design and operating methodology, but some themes appear more than once:
- Run colder than ambient temperature, seeming to absorb local thermal energy.
- Exploit some new understanding of the structure and/or energy levels of the atom, often hydrogen.
- Make us of magnets, specially treated magnetic/ferromagnetic blocks, magnetic micro particles, shifting magnetic fields or magneto-electric effects.
- Use ultra-fast, abrupt rise-time (1 – 100µs), completely unidirectional DC (not AC), high voltage sparks, spikes or impulses, backed up by a capacitor.
- Incorporate super fast (microsecond) electronic switching.
- Tap zero-point energy, or quantum fluctuations.
- Rely on a theoretical model for a background ether.
- Incorporate natural shapes and geometries into their design, such as spirals, vortices, toroids, helices and/or natural mathematical ratios like the golden ratio / pi.
Exploration in this arena has taken place in two spheres: mainstream institutional / academic and non-institutional / informal. One of the goals of this project is to unite the two spheres, combining the best attributes of both toward a common goal.
Institutional approaches tend to show incremental progress, with a strong basis in theory, and high credibility results published in mainstream scientific journals. Non-institutional approaches favour a more hands-on explorative approach, with less attachment to theory, and results discussed openly in online forums.
The materials presented below are representative of contributions from both spheres. You can choose the type of information and way of learning that most interests you.
Mainstream institutional / academic sources
Written materials
- [TEXTBOOK] The Quantum Vacuum: An Introduction to Quantum Electrodynamics - Peter Milonni, 1993 (link)
- [BOOK] Challenges to The Second Law of Thermodynamics: Theory and Experiment - Vladislav Čápek, Daniel P. Sheehan, 2005 (link)
- [BOOK] Casimir Physics - Diego Dalvit, Peter Milonni, David Roberts, Felipe da Rosa, 2011 (link)
- [PAPER] Davis E. W., Teofilo V. L., Haisch B., Puthoff H. E., Nickisch L. J., Rueda A. & Cole D. C (2006) Review of Experimental Concepts for Studying the Quantum Vacuum Field. AIP (link)
- [PAPER] Moddell G. & Dmitriyeva O. (2019) Extraction of Zero-Point Energy from the Vacuum: Assessment of Stochastic Electrodynamics-Based Approach as Compared to Other Methods. Atoms (link)
- [PAPER] Haisch B., Rueda A. & Puthoff H. E. (1997) Physics of the zero-point field: implications for inertia, gravitation and mass. Speculations in Science and Technology (link)
- [PAPER] Cole D. C. & Puthoff H. E. (1993) Extracting energy and heat from the vacuum. Phys. Rev. E (link)
- [PAPER] Dmitriyeva O. & Moddel G. (2012) Test of Zero-point Energy Emission from Gases Flowing Through Casimir Cavities. Physics Procedia (link)
- [PAPER] Moddel G., Weerakkody A., Doroski D. & Bartusiak D. (2021) Optical-Cavity-Induced Current. Symmetries in Quantum Mechanics) (link)
- [PAPER] Valone T. F. (2009) Proposed use of zero bias diode arrays as thermal electric noise rectifiers and non-thermal energy harvesters. Proc. Space, Propulsion and Energy Sciences International Forum (link)
- [PAPER] Moddel G. (2009) Assessment of proposed electromagnetic quantum vacuum energy extraction methods. CalPhysics (link)
- [PAPER] Thibado P. M., Kumar P., Singh S., Ruiz-Garcia M., Lasanta A. & Bonilla L. L. (2020) Fluctuation-induced current from freestanding graphene. Phys. Rev. E 102, 042101 (link)
- [PAPER] Liu X., Gao H., Ward J.E., Liu X., Yin B., Fu T., Chen J., Lovley D.R. & Yao J. (2020) Power generation from ambient humidity using protein nanowires. Nature volume 578 (link)
Notable physicists
- Hal Puthoff
- Eric Davis
- Garret Moddel
- Peter Milonni
- Laszlo Kish
- Bernard Haisch
- Paul Thibado
- Daniel Sheehan
- Alfonso Rueda
- Thomas Valone
Non-institutional / informal sources
The below materials vary widely in their technical nature, factual vs narrative properties, evidence provided and approach.
They are provided as is, in no particular order, and with no endorsement as to the factual nature of the subject matter contained therein. They are provided simply as a prompt to further research.
Novels and papers
- [FREE PDF] Patrick Kelly – Practical Guide to Free Energy Devices (link)
- [BOOK] Breakthrough Power: How Quantum-Leap New Energy Inventions Can Transform Our World - Jeanne Manning, Joel Garbon, 2011 (link)
- [BOOK] Hidden Energy: Tesla-inspired Inventors and a Mindful Path to Energy Abundance - Jeanne Manning, Susan Manewich, 2019 (link)
- [BOOK] The Energy Solution Revolution - Dr Brian O’Leary, 2012 (link)
- [BOOK] Secrets of Cold War Technology: Project HAARP and Beyond - Gerry Vassilatos, 2000 (link)
- [BOOK] Lost Science - Gerry Vassilatos, 2000 (link)
- [BOOK] Practical Conversion of Zero-Point Energy - Thomas Valone, 2005 (link)
- [BOOK] Zero Point Energy, The Fuel of the Future - Thomas Valone, 2008 (link)
- [BOOK] The Free-Energy Device Handbook: A Compilation of Patents & Reports - David Hatcher Childress, 1994 (link)
- [BOOK] The Energy Machine of T. Henry Moray: Zero-Point Energy and Pulsed Plasma Physics - Moray B. King, 2005 (link)
- [BOOK] The Coming Energy Revolution: The Search for Free Energy - Jeane Manning, 1996 (link)
- [BOOK] The Free Energy Secrets of Cold Electricity - Dr Peter Lindemann (link)
- [BOOK] Free Energy Generation--Circuits and Schematics : 20 Bedini-Bearden Years - Tom Bearden and John Bedini, 2006 (link)
- [BOOK] Energy from the vacuum: Concepts & principles - Tom Bearden, 2002 (link)
- [PAPER] “Outside-the-Box” Technologies, Their Critical Role Concerning Environmental Trends, and the Unnecessary Energy Crisis - A Compilation of Briefing Papers Prepared For: The U.S. Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, 2000 (link)
- [PAPER] Orion Project Energy Memorandum Prepared for President Obama - Dr Steven Greer, 2009 (link)
Inventors / experimentalists
- Dr Peter Lindemann (retired)
- Eric Dollard (replicated Tesla’s experiments)
- Eugene Mallove
- Henry Moray (radiant energy tube)
- Floyd Sweet (vacuum triode amplifier)
- Nikola Tesla (radiant energy)
- Paul Baumann (Testastika)
- Tom Bearden
- John Bedini
- Dr Kiril Chukanov
- Paramahamsa Tewari (space energy generator, space vortex theory)
- Graham Gunderson (solid state electric generator, magnetic implosion transformer)
- Norman Wootan (magnetic resonance amplifier)
- Gabriel Kron (negative resistor)
- Bob Boyce (HEX controller)
- Steve Marks (toroidal power unit)
- Lawrence Tseung (lead out theory)
- Johan / watkykjy1 (solid state free energy charger)
- Dr. Paulo Correa and Alexandra Correa (Pulsed Abnormal Glow Discharge)
- Edwin Gray (Cold Electricity / conversion element switching tube)
- Harold Aspden
- Arthur Manelas (Solectria car, conditioned ferrite billet)
- Dr Claus W. Turtur (ZPE rotor)
- Master Ivo
Research groups and discussion forums
- Global Breakthrough Energy Movement
- Integrity Research Institute
- New Energy Movement
- NUI Foundation for Moral Technology
- Infinite Energy Magazine
- Overunity Research
- ZPEnergy
- Energetic Forum
- Energy Abundance
- SEGSociety
- Panacea-BOCAF
- Alpha Institute for Advanced Studies
- Aurora Biophysics Research Institute
- Harold Aspden
- AMInnovations
Challenge prizes throughout history have demonstrated a robust ability to find novel solutions to “impossible” problems. By offering a substantial cash prize to the public (and marketing it well) new technology and novel solutions are produced, and do not have to be actively sought / created. In contrast to traditional research, this presents a very low risk opportunity because the prize is only awarded if the project succeeds.
Notable examples:
We will be establishing a DAO (Decentralised Autonomous Organisation) in order to orchestrate our fundraising process. This is a blockchain-mediated organisational structure which has many benefits:
- High speed and low cost transactions.
- Built for international collaboration.
- Transparency is part of the architecture - every decision and transaction is logged and available for viewing 24/7. Records can never be erased or falsified.
- No management required - democratic decisionmaking is hard-coded into the organisational structure.
- Enables donors to collaborate and participate in making the organisation reach its goals.
- Easy for cryptocurrency holders to donate (also a potential solution for carbon-intensive crypto mining).
- Ideally the structure we use will allow donors to withdraw their funds immediately and without notice should they want to. This keeps us accountable and linked to our community.